form, deaf to the teachings and desires of his time.
His open eyes must be directed to his inner life
and his ears must be constantly attuned
to the voice of inner necessity.
Here is the only way to express
the necessary Mystic."
Wassily Kandinsky
is not only a story-driven game experience : it also have a ChoseYour Own Adventure
flavour. Player needs to go through a twelve days hunting season in
order to save the forest, and therefore, save himself. Each day contain an inevitable narrative milestone, but there
is many ways to reach it, and different paths available on the
territory to get to it, get over it, and go forward. The way the
game is structured boost the replayability factor. The best way to
illustrate the narrative structure is by taking a look at this page.
This flowchart covers the main narrative elements of the
project, and show how they are all interrelated.
day starts and ends with a transition period, where the light is
rare, and where the line between day and night,
reality and dream, become hard to distinguish. Fear takes more place,
and choices needs to be made. Fortunately, you are not alone : talking birds are here to help. Nights are a travel into the
unknown, into the past, into a dark forest bigger than it seems : a
unique quest into the horror, between a dream, a nightmare, and a
video game. Every night brings new information to the player, new
knowledge and skills that can be used the next morning, right back
into the “main story”. This flowchart covers the sequential aspect of the
After several years of research and historical reading, I was able to complete my genealogy by going back all the branches, over 16 generations. The objective was obviously to understand my origins, and I was very impressed by the result. If a significant part of my ancestors come from France, some of my roots were already here, and my diversity comes from the four corners of Europe. My French-Canadian identity is something unique, something connected to nature, to the territory, deeply linked to a winter that never ends.
After all, we are all brothers and sisters. French, Mi'kmaqs, Algonquins, English, Germans, Basques, Portuguese, Irish, Belgians, etc., all mixed to form something unique, programmed from the start to "live together", the best we can. Diversity will always continue to enrich us, individually and collectively.
for giving the player the choice of his own narrative path toward the resolution of the quest,
and for the way the character evolves, by gaining new items and mastering skills.